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Gemstone Angel

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Chakra Layer Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-037
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Chakra Layer Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-037
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Get the best Chakra Layer Orgonite Angels at wholesale price.The beautiful angel is made from 7 different gemstones chips embedded in the orgonite resin matrix.Angels of the chakras! Assist in opening your chakras, creating balance and flow throughout your body. Shop online now.

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Red Jasper Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-036
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Red Jasper Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-036
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Buy Red Jasper Orgonite Angels at wholesale price.Red Jasper has been used for its grounding and healing power. It deepens and strengthens your connection to the earth, helping you to remove the stress in your body, ground your energy, and calm your mind. Red Jasper is connected to the sacral and root chakras. Order online now.

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Garnet Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-035
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Garnet Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-035
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Buy Garnet Orgonite Angels at lowest price.This stunning angel is made from garnet gemstone chips and embedded in the orgonite resin matrix.Garnet is a powerful energizing and regenerative stone.Garnet cleanses and re-energises the chakras. It revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. It balances, strengthens and protects. Shop online for Garnet Orgonite Angels now.

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Selenite Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-034
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Selenite Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-034
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Here is the huge collection of Selenite Orgonite Angels at lowest price.Selenite is reputed to open the crown chakra and allow communication with guardian spirits. Selenite calms and brings deep peace, and offers access to past and future lives. Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind problems. For any special order and change of size for the Angels contact us directly.

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Clear Quartz Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-033
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Clear Quartz Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-033
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Shop online for Clear Quartz Orgonite Angels at Anam Agate.Clear quartz is known as the Master healer, and can be used for any condition. It is a powerful healing tool and energy amplifier. It unblocks energy, harmonises the chakras, balances and aligns the bodies energies.It has a positive effect on all the chakras as it protects the aura and expands the human energy field.It can amplify the effect of other crystals. It can give a boost of energy, also bringing clarity and harmony. Order online now at affordable prices.

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Peridot Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-032
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Peridot Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-032
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Explore online collection of Peridot Orgonite Angels at cheapest price.This amazing angel is made from peridot gemstone chips embedded in the orgonite resin matrix.It is known as a stone for prosperity and happiness. It increase confidence and assertiveness, balanced by patience and clarity of thought.

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Unakite Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-031
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Unakite Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-031
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Explore the collection of Unakite Orgonite Angels at wholesale price. Unakite Orgonite Angels make great gifts as well as used to aid meditation. It is a balancing stone, balancing mind, body and spirit, and so can help you feel more centred. In the body, it helps release energy blockages. It can assist better sleep and relieve stress. It has a gentle, calm energy, and can negate the effects of electromagnetic pollution. Order online at Anam Agate as soon as possible.

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Tiger Eye Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-030
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
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Tiger Eye Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-030
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Huge collection of Tiger Eye Orgonite Angels at affordable price.Tiger Eye is a powerful Solar Plexus Chakra stone, helpful to manifest ideas into reality and giving courage in times of change. Tiger Eye enhances psychic abilities and balances the lower Chakras. Earthy people will find success increasing their psychic abilities using Tiger Eye when working with the Third Eye Chakra. It is available in bulk quantity and unique quality. Order online today.

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Amethyst Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-029
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Amethyst Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-029
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Buy Amethyst Orgonite Angels online.The beautiful angel is made from amethyst gemstone chips are handmade and embedded in the orgonite resin matrix.Amethyst is a purple stone which resonates with the Crown Chakra and can help you to develop your psychic abilities. It is one of the Master Healers and a good choice for stress and anxiety.This handmade angel is a beautiful gift for anyone who wants the blessings of unconditional love and heart healing. Visit us today or order online now.

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Lapis Lazuli Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-028
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
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Lapis Lazuli Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-028
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • A beautiful and natural Lapis Lazuli gemstone chips hand-carved angel embedded in the orgonite resin matrix. Lapis Lazuli is good for balancing the Throat Chakra. Lapis encourages clear expression when sharing information with others, including easier communication of anger. Lapis Lazuli helps you to find your voice in any situation and to help you to speak up for yourself. The beautiful shape and wonderful vibration of the crystal make these powerful energy tools.

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Chakra Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-027
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Chakra Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-027
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Chakra Orgonite Angels are used to cleanse negative energy and are also used to counteract the effects electromagnetic waves have on our body. Orgonite can help improve your life physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is mixture of catalyzed fiberglass resin with metal shavings, poured into molds. Crystals, essential oils, high vibration organic materials can be added to the mixture for their ability to make the energy more coherent or to enhance the working of the orgonite. Basically is a substance which functions as a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly efficient energy transmutation device, drawing in negative life energy and transmuting it into positive energy with the addition of emanating the energy of a set intention. Order online at Anam Agate.

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Turquoise Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-026
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Turquoise Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-026
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Browse and order online for Turquoise Orgonite Angels at affordable prices. They can be used in many different methods of healing. They can be used to heal the entire body or aura, or they can be used on a specific area of the body, or on a particular chakra. It Removes all bad energy, evil forces, negativity, wrong choice. Best suited for Health, Wealth, Progress, Prosperity, Family Bonding, Long Lasting Relationship. Turquoise Orgonite Angels are made with resin, which shrinks during the curing process. This shrinking gives off a charge of energy while the crystal and metal shavings are put under pressure. Order online now.

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Carnelian Orgonite Angels

  • Item Code : Angl-025
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
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Carnelian Orgonite Angels
  • Item Code : Angl-025
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Carnelian Orgonite Angels is the most effective way to raise the vibrations in the environment surrounding you. These Carnelian Orgonite Angels are made with resin, which shrinks during the curing process. This shrinking gives off a charge of energy while the crystal and metal shavings are put under pressure. It is used to aid meditation. The beautiful shape and wonderful vibration of the crystal make these powerful energy tools. Order online now.

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Dalmation Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-024
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Dalmation Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-024
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Exclusive Collection of unique Dalmation Angels of 2 Inches at Anam Agate. This beads and Angel shaped stone is known to convey fortunes to your life by including positive vibes. It is produced using exceptionally cleaned gemstones for an engaging look. It is helps you to move forward in life, discovering your true purpose. It is the best Healing product. Place the order as soon as possible at Anam Agate. This amazing stone is available in wholesale price.

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Pyrite Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-023
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Pyrite Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-023
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Pyrite Angels of 2 Inches is a wonderful tool to work for money enhancements. Pyrite is also called `fool`s gold`. It is used for abundant financial gains for self and for our clients. It is very powerful stone you must keep for opportunities in business and converting theses opportunities into success. It has long been valued as a strong protection stone that shields the wearer from negative energy as well as environmental pollutants. Thus, this stone helps promote physical well-being as well. Stimulating the second and third chakras, pyrite enhances strength of mind and willpower. Shop online for Pyrite Angels of 2 Inches at Anam Agate.

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Rose Quartz Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-022
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Rose Quartz Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-022
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Rose Quartz Angels of 2 Inches is known for its powerful connection to the light and power of the sun. It is known as a stone of good luck. Rose quartz angel opens the channel to your heart chakra, removing blocks and allowing you to accept the support you need. The love you?ll feel when holding this angel comes from the most powerful sources in the universe. For those who is in need of deep inner healing, apply a rose quartz angel to the heart chakra by placing it over your heart in meditation. Allow the angel to guide your soul through the healing process and repair your spirit with universal love. Order online now.

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Vasonite Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-021
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Vasonite Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-021
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Are you looking for Vasonite Angels of 2 Inches? Here is the attractive collection of Vessonite Merkaba Star online.It is a stone of many chakras, soothing, restorative, dynamic & potent energy.Its action helps you to override the energy of the ego, and its vibration is a strong aid for spiritual growth, and forward movement in your life. Vasonite has a strong vibration that will assist you to follow your hearts desire. It has strong metaphysical properties, that help you to embrace the desires of the higher self and the true yearnings of the heart. Order online now.

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Sunstone Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-020
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
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Sunstone Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-020
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Sunstone Angels of 2 Inches is an essential addition to healing grids because it clears and activates all energy pathways, helping increase the power of the other stones. If you lack a sense of sweetness in your life, it`s time to call on Sunstone crystal healing properties to evoke the notion of joie de vivre. Following the spirit of the time-honored proverb, Sunstone crystal healing properties gives you the guidance to turn your face towards the sun, letting the shadows fall behind you. Sunstone is a shining light of optimism, your celestial lighthouse that you can always count on to guide you to safety. It is particularly energizing to the Base and Sacral Chakras, stimulating leadership and will, creativity and sexuality. Order online now.

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Green Aventurine Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-019
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
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Green Aventurine Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-019
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Green Aventurine Angels make great gifts and are wonderful to use in meditation or for your energy work. These Green Aventurine Angels were carefully hand-cut and polished into the shape of an Angel with wings. The beautiful shape and the wonderful vibration of the crystal make these powerful energy tools. It comforts, harmonizes, and protects the heart, and can help attract love later in life. It is good for working with the Heart Chakra and with the Water Elements. Green Aventurine is known as the good luck stone and is often used in rituals with green candles, or kept in cash boxes or drawers to attract money. Order online now.

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Yellow Aventurine Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-018
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
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Yellow Aventurine Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-018
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Yellow Aventurine Angels is great tool to activate and balance the solar plexus Chakra and also help in balancing the Sacral chakra helping a seeker to be more balanced in decision making and in relations. The energy of Yellow Aventurine Angel can be used to address issues related to power and control. It helps one to focus inwards and be aware of self, leading to calmness and compassion in one?s attitude. This is also a great tool to absorb and reduce the electromagnetic and environmental negative energies. Order online for Yellow Aventurine Angels of 2 Inches at Anam Agate.

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Moss Agate Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-017
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Moss Agate Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-017
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Moss Agate is associated with the heart chakra. It`s known to be a stone of incredible healing power. It has a strengthening and grounding effect because it vibrates at a lower intensity and slower frequency. Moss Agate can improve your brain activity, your focus, and your analytical energies. It will give you keen perception and sharper observation skills. Order online and get Moss Agate Angels of 2 Inches at Wholesale Price.

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Hematite Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-016
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Hematite Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-016
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Hematite Angels is used to ground or stabilize and for protection. Hematite is believed to encourage optimism and is also good for stress and sadness. Hematite is an extremely good grounding stone. Wearing or holding a piece of hematite will bring the wearer?s awareness back to the body and present almost instantly. In spiritual work, hematite is an excellent stone to help keep yourself also connected to the Earth plane. Your spiritual learnings and travels can be done safely and things learned can be brought back to daily life more easily using Hematite Angels of 2 Inches. Order online now.

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Blue Sunstone Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-015
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
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Blue Sunstone Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-015
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Blue Sunstone are reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Use Blue Sunstone to make a wish. Keep a piece with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career. It is a good deflector of unwanted energies and is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protection mineral. It is a nervous system stimulant and enhances transmission of healing energies from the hands; therefore it is applicable to long distance healing. Shop online now.

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Sodalite Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-014
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Sodalite Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-014
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Order online for Sodalite Angels of 2 Inches at affordable prices. Sodalite Angels of guide you and protect the user from any danger. Sodalite angel supports you when you are going through the rough phase of your life. It will help to find put the main cause of the issue. It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalisation of feelings. Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. Sodalite balances the metabolism, boosts the immune system and overcomes calcium deficiencies. It is available on Anam Agate.

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Chakra Bonded Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-013
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Chakra Bonded Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-013
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Shop online for a beautiful hand crafted Chakra Bonded Angels of 2 Inches from Anam Agate. It is useful in meditation or for your energy work. These Chakra Angels were hand-cut and polished into the shape of an Angel with wings. The beautiful shape and wonderful vibration of the crystal make these powerful energy tools. Order online and get Chakra Bonded Angels of 2 Inches at Wholesale Price.

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Crystal Quartz Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-012
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Crystal Quartz Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-012
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Crystal Quartz Angels of 2 Inches is an excellent tool in meditation. It will encourage you to speak your truth and listen more attentively. It will also make you more aware of the energies that surround you. When this high vibration crystal is placed on the heart chakra, it will help you reach a place of deep universal love. Shop online at Anam Agate.

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Selenite Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-011
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Selenite Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-011
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Selenite Angel of 2 Inches can shields a person or space from outside influences. It is used to cleanse and recharge your other crystals, assist your own healing and ascension process, or to create a protection grid to ensure a high vibrational, peaceful atmosphere in your home or office. The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work. Order online now.

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Opal Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-010
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Opal Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-010
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Opal Angel represents all the magical qualities of Opal, yet encourages the individuality and inner radiance of the wearer to shine through. It is a good stone for clearing a distorted body image or self-consciousness about one`s physical appearance that prevents social interaction. It also represent the devotion and fidelity, as well as a long healthy life. Opal?s energy often connected deeply with spiritual visionaries. Shop online now.

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Rainbow Moonstone Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-009
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Rainbow Moonstone Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-009
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Browse the unique collection of Rainbow Moonstone Angels of 2 Inches at low prices. Rainbow Moonstone acts as a prism, diffusing energy throughout the aura. It provides psychic protection, clearing the mind and senses, and aids in lucid dreaming and calm sleep. It deflects negativity and eases emotional trauma. Aligned with the Goddess, Rainbow Moonstones connect with the energies and spirits of Nature, from plant devas to galactic consciousness. Order online now.

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Red Jasper Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-008
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Red Jasper Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-008
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Red Jasper a good stone for healing both in a physical and metaphysical sense. It helps in removing the energy blockages in the chakra to bring an overall balance and improved health. It is used as a calming stone and to stimulate the Root Chakra. Red Jasper is full of grounding Earth energy. Red Jasper can connect one deeply to the vibrations of the Earth, bringing a greater understanding of the necessity of natural events. Some Native American cultures consider Red Jasper to symbolize the blood of the Earth, making it particularly sacred. You can use Jasper to further your knowledge of the connection between humans and nature. Order online for Red Jasper Angels of 2 Inches at affordable prices.

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Labradorite Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-007
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Labradorite Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-007
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Buy Labradorite Angel 2 inch Reiki Chakra Healing Crystal Stone for Reiki Healing and Meditation, Protection, Energy Amplification. It is known as Cleanser Angel. It is Useful for Meditation, Peace of Mind, Balancing & Concentration,Positive Energy Generator Healing. Shop online for best Labradorite Angel. We will customize the size in bulk quantity.

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Brown Sunstone Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-006
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Brown Sunstone Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-006
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Brown Sunstone Angels of 2 Inches brings a flood of light into dark corners of the mind, making it an excellent healing aid for clearing away negative thought patterns. It Bring an instant ray of sunshine into your life when you incorporate the Sunstone crystal stone meaning into your daily meditation practice. Expand the mind to a higher consciousness when you incorporate Sunstone crystal healing properties into your daily wellness routine.

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Lapis Lazuli Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-005
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Lapis Lazuli Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-005
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • These Lapis Lazuli Angels make great gifts and are wonderful to use in meditation or for your energy work. The beautiful shape and the wonderful vibration of the crystal make these powerful energy tools and many energy workers report finding a greater connection to their Angels and Guides. It connects the physical and celestial kingdoms. For any extraordinary request contact us directly.

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Peach Aventurine Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-004
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
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Peach Aventurine Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-004
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Peach Aventurine Angel of 2 Inches is an attractive piece that can be gifted to your loved ones. This angel will being love and peace in their lives. Anam Agate is a Leading Supplier of Peach Aventurine Angels of 2 Inches. Buy Various Top Quality of Peach Aventurine Angels 2 Inches at Lowest Price. To Get any of the product at wholesale prices, Visit Anam agate to check more gemstone angels.

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Black Tourmaline Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-003
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Black Tourmaline Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-003
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Black Tourmaline Angels of 2 Inches is most common meditation crystals. Its supportive energy aligns the energy centers of the body and channels healing light throughout the system. It promotes a sense of power and self-confidence, allowing for a clearer, more objective view of the world. It is empowering to those who must live or work in challenging environments or when facing difficult circumstances. These items are perfectly created and very much requested by our lofty clients for premium quality with size veriation of it.

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Unakite Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-002
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Unakite Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-002
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Buy Unakite Angels of 2 Inches online at affordable prices. This Unakite Angel has been hand-cut and polished into the shape of an Angel with wings. These Unakite Angels make great gifts and are wonderful to use in meditation or for your energy work. The beautiful shape and the wonderful vibration of the crystal make these powerful energy tools and many energy workers report finding a greater connection to their Angels and Guides. Unakite is said to be good for the reproductive system, for healthy pregnancies, and for the healthy development of unborn babies. Unakite can also protect against electromagnetic pollution from computers or cell phones. It is also used during recovery from trauma or major illnesses, helping the cells to ?remember? the state of perfect health. Shop online now.

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Amethyst Angels 2 Inches

  • Item Code : Angl-001
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price :
Amethyst Angels 2 Inches
  • Item Code : Angl-001
  • MOQ : 30 Pcs
  • Price : $ LOGIN
    • Amethyst is known for its stunning violet color in a variety of shades, amethyst healing crystals are often used as jewelry because when placed against the skin, it works as a natural stress reliever. Amethyst magnifies positive vibes while cleansing the body of negative energy, including toxic emotions such as anger, anxiety, fear, and more. Its inherent high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments, and creates a protective shield of Light around the body, allowing one to remain clear and centered while opening to spiritual direction. Amethyst boosts the spirit and encourages spiritual growth by protecting the aura from damaging metaphysical debris. Exquisite bracelets made from amethyst gemstone shaped in a double pointed pencil studded with crystal quartz beads. For any special order or change in design contact us directly. It stimulates the Third Eye, Crown and Etheric Chakras enhancing cognitive perception as well as accelerating the development of intuitive and psychic ability. It initiates wisdom and greater understanding, and is a stone of comfort for those grieving the loss of a loved one.

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